"You want to put it on a discussion?" Sure, why not. Not about tilting :) but about the zone in which our food base, plants, can still effectively grow.
The far too warm and or too dry zone will reach the 40-45 degrees Latitude (unless you like ferns) and as from 60 degrees Latitude and higher, it will still remain too dark (unless you like moss).
So effectively South of the Equator is f***ed and the tiny strip of 40/45-60 degrees Latitude North will have to feed 10 billion people and try and fend off all sorts of little nasties trying to kill everything. 2020's Covid 19 epidemy will seem like a little stroll in the park.
So, again the question is, why would any sensible person want to go down that alley, unless on a clear suicide mission. I'm sure there are nicer ways to top yourself off than that.