You should add prof. Tom Murphy to that list of interesting interviews >
I'm seeing more and more articles referring to very similar post-fossil fuel earth-carrying capacity values of arround 1-3 bln people. A long way off the 10bln mark we are currently heading for, with zero policy (or will for) on how to get it down.
The elephant in the room is that rational thinkers only form a tiny minority in a vast ocean of "seeing is believing" sentient population majority. (no rational person would ever elect the likes of a Biden or a Trump to lead them) Hence they are largly effectively marginalised to powerless domains like journalism, academia, etc.
The only thing left to do is to use our rational intelligence to brace and wait until the sentients start to really feel the heat of the impact. Only then will the herd finally move on. For many it simply will be too little, far to late. Evolution at its finest until a new equilibrium (at hopefully a higher plane of intelligence) is established.