You can't have the cake and eat it. The EU policies are either purposefully deceitful or downright ignorant and harmful. I'll try to explain.
On the one hand, the EU opens its borders to immigration. Her motives are not humanitarian but economical: cheap labour to supplement an ageing population and to keep pressure on the labour market to prevent blue-collar income increase. In short the typical mechanisms of neo-liberal capitalism of economic growth.
On the other hand, the EU is actively pursuing a post-fossil fuel world. What she doesn't tell her citizens is that this new bio-based economy. will forcibly follow the thermodynamic (energy) rationale of its preceding pre-industrial agro-eras. The ultimate result of the 2030 “Green Agenda”. There is no magic energy, no fusion or other cheap and abundant energy in any near future, only the hard reality of less and more costly.
That means back to the carrying capacity of the land and automatically means back to more or less the pre-1870 population densities that this land can support. Yes, our technology has become far more efficient but so too have our needs.
For where I live, in NL, that means back to 4-5 mln people instead of 20 mln we are currently heading for 2070. That is a huge problem for all those living here as it's a factor of 4-5 too many people to support. A very serious problem.
The best policy to prevent a future of massive bloodshed is to now aim for a 1,6 replacement (birth) rate per couple. 1,6 is economically doable and translates into, for example, 2 out of 10 couples remaining childless, or 4 out of 10 only having one child, all the rest can have 2, etc.
So knowing that this population sword of Damocles is hanging above the heads of all Europeans, immigration is only safely possible if those that insist on welcoming immigrants give up their own reproduction rights. Per sterilized couple, one immigrant can be taken in. Preferably in their own town so as not to asymetrically burden others. This is the true-cost pricing of immigration, a hard but honest truth.
The EU remains obstinately mute about it and her ostrich policy endangers the future of all Europeans. Especially the children of the immigrants, who have now built up their lives here. Without intelligent population management, these children will almost certainly face future pogroms against them. Is that the future you want to offer these children?