Yes, you are right about the fair trade part, which I believe should be expanded to True Cost accounting.
But I don't believe in wallowing in victimhood and keep blaming others instead of understanding your own part in it.
>> Power is always given. You allow someone to have power over you. That's a hard and very uncomfortable truth. Nobody can save you, only you can. And if you are lucky you just might succeed. Most don't.
I realise that NL's food security is fuc*ed. So instead of waiting for things to go south and my family becoming victims, I take action. Bought 4 ha of climate-proof land and am setting it now up for food production. Land and food production is vastly undervalued. In most places, agricultural land is still very cheap, and you don't need much, so everyone can do it. Yet very very few bother to do it. Most prefer to spend their money and time wastefully. They don't want to realise it's a choice and that they by default expect others to solve their problems for them.
If the West can colonise countries it is because these countries prefer to remain divided and let their elites take the privileges of the West at their costs instead of standing up against them.
The poor in the West weren't given their prosperity by their elites. They took it by sheer force and at great personal expense for many. Look at the many revolutions that took place in Europe and the hundreds of thousands that died or were sent to decades of prison. But in Russia and France the poor won and sent a very clear message to all the elites in Europe. Change (aka share) or we will simply execute you. Perhaps time the exploited poor in other countries did the same. If they don't, well it just means they have accepted their servitude.