gerald lindner
1 min readMay 7, 2024


Yes, but Macron is forgetting the most important: it's over. ...30-40 years ago sure, but not now. We are no longer leaders of any game but pawns. We mustn't get stuck in an endless "Great Britain" Empire syndrome but accept our new, far lower, position in the world and get on quickly to make the best of the options still open to us.

Glenn Diesen frames Western Europe as a Peninsula of Greater Eurasia. And if you read Art Bermans post you can quickly realise that this is the best option we have....

Coming up with the insane plan to send French troops and EU interference now also in Georgia, biting the only hand that can futur-feed us, proves that Macron has a dangerous self-over-estimation and a very poor understanding of his position in history. Showing a bit of Western European humility and offering an opening towards Eurasian cooperation would be the only fitting response. A much-needed step towards our new future on our shared continent.



gerald lindner

My 3 continents, 5 countries youth deconstructed most cultural locked-ins and social bias. Opened my mind to parallel views and fundamental innovations.