Why suffer? There are far smarter ways to step out of a system, simply create a parallel one. Like one based on cooperation and trust. Share time, skills and attention not money. Jezus was 100% right on this point: render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar. If you use Greenback's then you willingly accept your subjugation to Federal Government.
Organising a parallel intelligent, fair and lasting cooperation is by no ways easy and hard work. But it can and has been done succesfully quite often.
There is a lot of information out there to help new communities on what works, what doesn't and which typical pitfalls to avoid. I know that most of the thousands of ecovillages worldwide gladly share their knowledge and organise all sorts of workshops. I know that https://www.socialtrade.org/ organises alternative currencies, that Systemic Consensus is a brilliant governance system for group decisions and that ECG has set up a very smart value system.
So no, I see zero reasons to suffer, on the contrary.