:) We also ordered an Aptera! And live in a solar home (greenhouse + pvt/ heat pump), but on the other side of the pond).
Now I am putting my focus on agro-forestry - and bought 4 hectares in France to convert.
But disagree on voting. It's pointless. Even the Green party (GroenLinks) here is totally useless. In my city Amsterdam (Europe) they are responsible for more green reduction and concrete high rise than the neo-liberal party. I'm done with all of them and politics in general.
And so are the youngsters >
We must be, embody, the change we want. Only then can we inverse the system. Like these young women. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UaHip9P1tQ&list=LLPkL-LnXBastRngFGorWQUw&index=12&t=9s