Was it so simple? It's not. Humans are typical primates. Look how chimpanzees choose their leaders...we are no different. Fractions support a popular social monkey in the hope that when their candidate becomes leader they'll get a piece of the action. "I' 'll scratch your back, if you'll scratch mine."
One thing is for sure, the spoils are certainly not divided equally. That is what "democracy" is in fact all about, But few are lucid enough to realise that this is its true aim.
If we want what is good for all we ought to evolve to a far smarter and truly inclusive system of governance. Like Systemic Consensus. Watch Christian Felber use it 5 minutes at 12:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsO-b0_r-5Y
more at https://www.sk-prinzip.eu/# or in English >> https://www.plays-in-business.com/systemic-consensing-what-the-hell-is-this/