Very interesting. But also for another reason. Sure all national media is biased and in conflict human herd instinct kick in (always back your leader, every nation does this).
What interests me the most is the almost instinctive dislike you describe many Russians have for part of our Western values.
John Stuart Mill is right, you should always listen to what the other has to say. Because, what if some of their arguments may just be valid...
Do the Millennials in the West for one second realise how much they have been shaped by our capitalistic doctrine? I'm 55, my peers were people for the '70. So I very much grew up under the ideal of solidarity. That's today is a totally antiquated concept.
The Millenials I see around me seem to be so sucked into the system (high mortgages land high student loans for unaffordable houses and unrepayable education) that they don't have the distance nor the free time to see how enslaved they are to it. They see the ecological (and even at times social) destruction it is causing, but can't afford to disengage and take real action for change. Stuck in a perfect Catch 22.
So yes, war is or both camps is a very welcome distraction from thinking and talking on true resonsibilty. To, as Elias Canetti explains merge with, or rather dissolve into the herd.