Unlike the West and Russia (and their idiotic harmful and wastefull actions), China is run (mostly) by engineers. They think like engineers and play the long game.
They don't throw away valuable resources on unwinnable wars and understand the ancient wisdom learnt through centuries of pain and suffering. (Huainanzi, Analects, Daodejing, Sun Tzu, etc.)
Anybody who reads a bit about quantum physics, human consciousness and general artificial intelligence (and why the West is not getting there by using Aristotle's binary logic) realises there is so much we don't know. Untaped potential we have little to no knowledge of (unless you are a William James Sidis or a Nikola Tesla). So three guesses in what engineers running a huge country would invest their societal resources in. (and then read Sun Tzu and worry:).
Understanding China (a bit) is not all that difficult.