There is far more anti-NATO sentiment in the whole of Europe but it is never allowed air-time on Western MSM.
Strangely enough, only the hard-core business channels in MSM are more precise on what is really going on. Like Bloomberg and Reuters. For their readers change means money gains or losses, so they don't care for MSM-stirilized news. And if you want to get a wider perspective it's wise to occasionally scroll through Aljazeera, South China Morning Post and even Tass.
Google to test: anti nato demonstration Spain 2022. To get an idea of who is covering it and who is not. The "who not" list is painfully long. Quite enlighting. I only knew about the demonstration because I know someone who lives in Marid. Since then I open Aljazeera daily.
And in NL is one of the rare (but growing fast) channels that is quite open about Nato's actions. Internationally so are and