The Warshau pact no longer exists. Russia's economy is the size of Italy's. Its military expenditure (61.7 billion) is a mere 7,7% of that of the US's (801 billion). The combined West spends 16x more on war than Russia.
The US uses that 800 bln yearly budget to:
"overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, mostly democracies. It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries. It has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries, most of them poor and defenceless. It has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries. It has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries."
And you are forgetting half of the European story.
France's general De Gaulle's One Europe "from Brest to Vladivostok" (1958), Willy Brandt's Neue Ostpolitik (1971), Gorbachev's "Our Common Future" 1981, Macron: Europe "from the Atlantic to the Urals"; Putin: "from Lisbon to Vladivostok" 2018, even Olaf Scholz to is driven by the conviction that "Europe can only continue to exist in the world in the 21st century if it is united and unified".
They all know that the future of Europe lies in a Europe united in its aim for peace and prosperity for ALL its citizens. Her very raison d'etre, why the EU earned the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012.
Time to leave the folly of the trans-Atlantic's focus on continuous war, against China next. We can do better. We must do better. Back to our EU roots: nie wieder.