The war in Ukraine was never about Ukraine. The 2019 RAND (US policy) report made that very clear.
War is and always was about power, and using that power to lay claim on resources. First destabilising Ukraine in 2014 to get US/UK corporate ownership of their vast grain fields. Then destabilising Europe to sell LNG at 3x the Russian gas price. Both policies have succeeded very well, as well as fleecing the US taxpayer of billions to sponsor US armaments sales.
But the big bonanza, destabilising Russia to access their vast cookie jar from oil to uranium, has not yet succeeded. But they have succeeded in postponing the demise of US-led unipolarity towards the transition to a far more harmonious Westphalian order: the inevitable rise of Eurasia. (and the way out of this war for all Europeans, including Ukraine and Russia and preventing the next war with China)
So all the more reason now to push for a Eurasian federation of collective peace and joint prosperity.