The Telegram footage on @intelslava is deeply saddening. Regardless of whom is lying on the ground. Yes, it's 100% Russian propaganda, which unlike most MSM in the West they aren't hiding. But I have no grounds to doubt the truth of the images.
How many young men, fathers, sons, brothers must die just for the sake of egos, most of which have no skin nor kin in the game?
Is it not time for peace?
Everyone who can think knows that Ukraine can't win. Even the West will never allow that to happen. So the best possible outcome is that the border regions (Dombas, South Ukraine, etc) all become a demilitarized zone. Ukraine may join the EU but not NATO.
Anybody who has a functioning brain that can also produce rational logical thought sees that in the coming post-fossil-fuel future of Europe lies in the unification of our continent, Eurasia.
China's Silk Road is what all the truly great leaders of Europe always have wanted from De Gaulle, onwards... Time to leave the Trans-Atlantic Alliance before it drags us down into the abyss of history.
Ukraine and Russia must take China's outreach with both hands now and stop this madness. Let's start building our Eurasian future together.!