the problem is that it has become too difficult to hide.
The Mafia evolved from the far too visual racket of extorsion, prostitution and drugs to the much more covert model of institutional-backed racketeering. Like them, our elites moved from physical oppression based feudal extraction into the far more secretive and murky waters of banking and finance.
But now, in this internet age, they are getting more and more caught in the act (Panamapapers, etc.) The only cards on the table left for them is their ability to sow fear. Divide and try and keep the rule by moving towards totalitarian governance. Aldous Huxley already warned about this back in 1958. >
Since the '70 the ruling class, after haven woken up from the shock of the '60 mass emancipation they have actively played the media to take back control over the population. With the help of continuous and huge funding for the continuation of "patriotic" wars all over the world (money not spent towards enhancing the quality of life at home). And much more.
Like the following bizarre but logical steps. All aimed at remote mass control. Todays adage is: if it is too bizar to be true, then the odds are it most likely will turn out to be true. Here are three new of many.
- (WEF linked Rockefeller University. )
Our only way out is to mass organise ourselves under a shared system. I would advocate an Economy for the Common Good > Dived we fall.