The paradox is that our so called "Green" party, GroenLinks, is in Amsterdam doing the exact opposite: giving developers a free hand to build high-rises all over the city. I've tried endless times to convince them to do otherwise. Greening the city is technically so easy to achieve >>>
Especially as the council even has a brilliant tool to evaluate their decisions on positive impact.
Which our current elderwoman, Marieke van Doorninck, of course didn't use to design and evaluate her new Herinvesteringsbesluit Buiksloterham, the district where I live.
It's very painful to see this GroenNiks political stupidity happening right in front of me. I gave it all I got and failed. So I had little choice but to give up. I bought 4 ha of well-protected land in France to get away from this real estate frenzy nightmare.
As the saying goes: vote with your feet. I'm privileged I can. Others aren't so fortunate. But it's now up to them to come into action - or most probably remain lethargic. I'm done and gone.