The most humane thing to do is for all societies to aim for 1,6-1,7 birth rates per woman. Halving their populations per century, in an economically safe manner, until they all achieve their land-carrying capacity's value.
Most Western countries have known a population explosion throughout the past 2 centuries and would need to reduce their population numbers by a radical factor of 4 to 5. Immigration would only be possible if the birth rates dive well below the 1.6 value.
William E. Rees writes in his recent paper The Human Ecology of Overshoot: Why a Major ‘Population Correction’ Is Inevitable"* that "informed estimates put the long-term [World] carrying capacity at as few as 100 million to as many as three billion people". Certainly not the 10 billion we are currently heading for.
More just means more people that, inevitably, will die the horrible death of hunger. Now and many more in the future. Like we are currently seeing in the Eastern part of Africa. In the nearing post-fossil fuel era this human misery will expand to most parts of our globe unless we act intelligently.
Mass immigration is just shifting this predicament not solving its root cause. And it is the seed for a future problem. Because when things get tough our human primate instincts kick in, all minorities will find themselves in great danger. It's extremely negligent to think this won't happen. Human nature doesn't change.
Prevention is always better than trying to cure after the harm is done. Minorities are only truly safe when their host country hits this livelihood for all sustainable target and all available hands are welcome.