The exact same could have been said on 9-11. Instead. the US and UK citizens endorsed governments used the events to go out on a massive killing spree for oil and MIC profits.
Humans are tribal animals. If the killing happens over there and the spoils come home (like cheap gasoline) we simply don't care. But we wail our lungs out if it hits home. Both Bush's and Blairs murderous parties are back running governments, spreading their evil with the blessing of US and UK constituents.
So please spare me the f***ing hypocrisy.
Where are your tears for the thousands and thousands of babies and children being torn to shreds daily by US and UK citizen sponsored bombes and weapons in the entire Middel East, Afghanistan, etc, etc. Children who have had to witness the murder of their siblings and families and live with it the rest of their lives.....
To add insult to injury, the US is now sending landmines to Ukraine to be sure that hundred's of Ukrainian's future kids end up like their fathers. Dead or mutilated for life and haunt the living for ever. Why don't I hear you wail about that? Bah. evil always returns to sender, comes home to roost.
Resonance....that what the universe is all about. The real Tesla already knew this more than a century ago.... high time the rest of us learn that lesson too and live up to it. We get what we sow.