That too is simply a mental construct. A weak one. Because doing nothing achieves exactly that: nothing. Children would still be dying of leprosy and parents born into hereditary chains of slavery.
Understanding the world in terms of resonance is I think a far more useful construct. The Pan-African term Ubuntu is one of many examples that already ancient natural tribes understood this concept of resonance. All empathy (for lack of a better word) is grounded in it.
The Enlightenment's original principles of inquiry and tolerance were developed in an era superstition and dogmatic blind faith which replaced the nature based religions before them. Like the natual religions, Enlightenment too quickly became corrupted and perverted by the power hungry elites. The exact same happened to democracy. It's a recursive pattern we are stuck in and need to break our from.
Enlightenment is not the problem, our social system is. The fact we still abide to these out-scaled and harmful tribal power structures instead of evolving to empathy informed co-existance and collaboration. With nature not against it. With people not against them.
To feel doesn't exclude to know but empowers it. It's where our potential lies as humans. For resonance we need to synchronise them. We must abandon our current dark trajectory towards the backwardness of totalitarianism. More enlightenment, yes please!