"structural changes definitely don't happen when we all give up and wait for the apocalypse.",
Hmm,...change is not going to happen until things get very much worse. Only then will the stupid majority (that's how our democratic system works) finally wake up.
In the meantime make sure to you put yourself far out of harm's way as violence inevitably will break out. So yes, start planning today as good land is still cheap and fruit and nut trees take time to grow.
After a very painful transition, their minds will finally be ripe for more intelligent systems of governance, like sociocracy, systemic consensus and Economy for the Common Good.
What a shame we have to wait and so many people must get hurt first.
systemic consensus: https://www.ecovillagenews.org/wiki/index-php/Systemic_Consensus_%E2%80%94_Fast__Visual__and_Hard_to_Argue_With/
watch it in action 11:38> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsO-b0_r-5Y
Economy for the Common Good: