So it's high time to wake up and choose for a prosperous war free Europe.
Step 1. make peace in Ukraine by setting up a European defence force and leaving NATO and getting the Americans to leave our continent.
2. Russia's main grievance gone, Putin then can save face, claim it as a victory and remove his troops from Ukraine.
3. EU and Russia force Ukrian to respect the Minsk 2 agreements.
4. The EU opens trade agreements with Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia and Russia. The long aim is to include their economies in the EU.
General De Gaulle's vision for Europe, carried on by Gorbachev, Marcon and even Putin, then can at last become reality.
De Gaulle never trusted the Americans and kept France out of NATO for a very good reason. It's time we did the same and choose for our future or degrade into a US-dominated, poverty-stricken, backwater.