Russia still does not grasp the full implications of the global thermodynamical and mineral shift we are heading towards. Because if she did, she wouldn't waste a second worrying about America or the EU. Just stop all exporting all minerals, oil and gas. Only sell the end products. Effectively ending Western mineral and energy Imperialism. This has always been its Archils heel.
This will be the end of many Western industries, which knowledge, machinery and highly qualified staff she then can buy up cheaply, just like the Americans did in Europe after WOII. The US losing her European market will hurt economically, especially if China closes up too. And if China takes over Taiwan, well even the US MIC will be in deepwater due to the lack critical chips.
Then go for a alternate global gold or mineral backed currency. All the BRIC countries have now seen first hand how the US misuses her financial power to freeze accounts and block SWIFT transactions. Crypto is dead so the time is now perfect. That is, if you can read the sign of the times.