"real job" Well what about having changed the world and paved the way for AI...
"Chomsky is widely recognized as having helped to spark the cognitive revolution in the human sciences, contributing to the development of a new cognitive framework for the study of language and the mind." Wiki.
Google "transformational grammar", "syntactic structures", "universal grammar theory", "generative grammar theory, the "Chomsky hierarchy" and "minimalist program" and cross reference with "computer science" then you can understand the massive positive impact the man has had on human development. Even more, if you add his political contributions to that already impressive list.
He is brilliant when it comes to rational logic, so yes, I listen carefully when he says something. Unlike most, what he says is always backed by serious research and solid reasoning. But I understand many find this rather confrontational and threatening :)
Unlike most jobs, "real jobs" are those that have a true positive impact on people's lives.
On Kickstarter I am one of nearly 2000 people sponsoring the documentary CHOMSKY & MUJICA so that millions can learn from their decades of wisdom and help make the world a much kinder and far better place to live in. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/saulalvidrez/chomsky-and-mujica-0/description