@Pluralus: "People are refusing to grow up"
I think you are radically missing the point.
We live nowadays in a high-stress world far away from any meaningful contact with nature (our own too for that matter). Within that behavioural context, it is logical not to want to plant any roots. Aka to not make the natural human choices people would make if they lived in healthier and happier environments.
So it's pointless and simply wrong to blame the young. Instead, we should be looking at the contextual drivers (that we the old have created) that trigger such behaviour.
You would be surprised how much we already know on that topic but prefer not to act on. All the parameters discussed in this paper > https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4281833/ can also be applied to humans...so don't be too surprised to see there is even a "partner preference test".....