perhaps a sign of the times... Owen was axed from the GCSE literature reading list.
WOI too started as a regional skirmish in a back-water of Europe. As for other wars.....few Americans bother to realise nor even care at what price to others their precious "peace" comes.
The US spends its 800 bln annual war budget (b.t.w. 14 times that of Russia !!!!) to:
"In my lifetime, the United States has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, mostly democracies. It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries. It has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries, most of them poor and defenceless. It has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries. It has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries."
So perhaps if you want an informed discussion, read the many RAND reports.....They are so confident and self-righteous arrogant, they don't even bother hiding their agenda. Perhaps you now understand why the majority of the world.... yes the vast majority .... let that sink in an not support the US sanctions. Only our idiotic EU does.