People in real power never face the consequences of their deeds.
If this were not true then The Hague court would long ago already have indicted and convicted Bush, Cheney, Blair and many others for their vicious crimes against humanity. Ending in the deaths of over 500.000 Iraqis.
The Hague never bothered. Didn't even try. Proving to the world they are merely a puppet instrument of the West. A tool of our policy of blatant and vindictive hypocrisy.
So please tell me why should anyone care about that puppet court? Show trails are for the buhne, to illusion the Western public into still living in a state of law. Appease and pacify. The fairy tale of good versus evil, where as the only true reality is power versus no power.
Soloviev clearly understands this. Rational logic dictates he uses the power he has. So he will, just as the US does on a daily basis and China will to more and more.
Welcome to the multi-polar world.