My one-dimensional remark is because I read your Putin=Hitler post. It's the oversimplified good versus evil dichotomy. Ingroup versus outgroup polarization which stems from our primate tribal instincts when scared. Closing of the ranks regardless of any deeper truths.
If you followed Greyzone, Scheerpost and many other reporting, it's clear even to the US military that Ukraine cannot - even - may not!!! - win the war. The US will make sure of that. Listen to what US Gen.Milley is saying. Scott is clearly reading these sources to.
And yes, Ukraine does have a massive Neo-Nazi problem. Just read all the pre-war reporting in MSM. The stuff written on this topic before all the self-censorship kicked in. Lots of very indepth recent articles too on Scheerpost.
Unlike Germany, Ukraine has never faced this part of her history honestly. Watch Einsatzgruppen: The Nazi Death Squads on Netflix. The Babi Yar near Kyiv part.
And as for the why this war was provoked, I suggest watching this UN security council session. Especially 10:34 Max Blumenthal's speach The transcript can be read on his site>