Ok... we now know the driver behind consumerism
We know what we don't want, but do we know what we want? (and why?) I would be very curious to read your take on it.
My 2c so far are:
1. Blue zones teach us that we are multi-sensory (phenomenologically) programmed social animals.
https://www.iph.nl/en/knowledge-base/blue-zones-source-of-knowledge-on-health/ To Machteld Hubers's list, I'd like to add point 5, a healthy living environment.
It is very painful to realise that capitalism supplies us with NONE of these key parameters. On the contrary... it primarily focuses on widening our rift from the physical realm by replacing it with virtual, digital reality, increasing our alienation. We must re-align our leading objectives.
2. A much-needed re-focus on the common good
3. Replace "division by majority rule" governance with Systemic Consensus* Watch Feler use it at 12:00 for 5 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsO-b0_r-5Y * https://www.sk-prinzip.eu/#