More parties have a critical stake in the outcome: Europe. More and more Europeans are becoming aware of the exploitive nature of the US relationship. As it's their turn to feel the effects of being pushed under the bus by the US.... self-destructive sanctions, the threat of nuclear fallout, food security, high inflation, high-interest rates, the coming collapse of the housing market, etc. All for the power and financial glory of the US. The US are not even hiding their contempt or intentions. Blowing up pipelines, publishing their agenda, killing peace talks, etc. So sure they are of their grip over the EU.
Let's hope more and more Europeans become fed up and share the famous French general De Gaulle's vision of a joint Europe "from the Atlantic to the Urals", "from Lisbon to Vladivostok". Shared too by Gorbachev, Macron and Putin. A Europe with her own defence without the corruption of the NATO MIC lobby. We can then use the war money to jointly help Ukraine rebuild.
(in French) Jacques Baud: Ukraine instrumentalized by the West?
(in French) Pascal Boniface: the United States, a strategic danger for the planet
The West wasn't "ready" to sign a peace deal.
On "extending" and "baiting" Russia