means, you can tell all the stories you want, but that in the short term it won't dent the mainstream. I'm an innovator... and I got sick and tired of trying to convince Mainstreet that there are far smarter sustainable solutions available, that they realy need to adapt and understand the bigger picture.
The wall of cognitive dissonance I encountered is frightening. I've stopped trying to convince anyone. Which was very liberating and empowering. I act and invest now purely focused on the wellbeing of my own family and a few friends. On a systems level, this is a very sub-optimal outcome, but too bad for the rest.
Obviously, Mainstreet must first feel the dire consequences before they are prepared to change. For many it will then simply be far too little far too late. Painfully those that did change in time will have to learn to close the door and keep it closed. That's not going to be easy. Natural selection at it's hardest. So be it.