Many thanks for your valuable references. Most I'm not yet unfamiliar with, Tom's latest post sadly I am. The basic trajectory you describe I agree with but not on the central theme....we humans do have a universal perspective.... it's us. Pun intended, but I also mean it seriously. All of us.
The key is, as you even already mentioned, ... organisation. Always has been, collaboration is hard-wired in our DNA, yet very little energy is spent nowadays on asking HOW. We let ourselves be too easily distracted by futile tribalism.
The existential acceptance of the other's right to also live on this shared planet is the starting point for a critical mass, which I believe humanity already has reached. Next is a fundamental dialogue to define the barest possible core of shared values and an intelligent governance to enable them.
All we need for this is already here. It's just a matter of flipping the perspective. Use AI, not to complicate things but on the contrary: to help find the hard common denominator. And on the other hand, it can help us navigate our own human complexity. Tools still in their early stages of development, like CrystalKnows*, are already surprisingly effective in understanding our preferences, even more so, once context can be included. Link this digital avatar to Systemic Consensus governance*** as it scales really well and can also operate effectivly digitally (as an App***).
Especially because on the other side of the technology spectrum, many brilliant people are working very hard mapping effective low-tech solutions and reconnecting us to our spiritual dimensions.
These two opposite ends of the spectrum both hold a part of the key. An "And-And" of seemingly opposites, which I've learnt, is a fundamental Chinese non-binary logic of wholeness. So yes there is still hell of a lot to hope for:)
**as from 12:00 >>
*** etc......