Let's hope they do.
Interestingly enough, the clear data on the “end of oil” made me fear climate change a lot less. Sure it’s going to be a very bumpy ride and the sooner we act the less serious harm we face (like big ugly tipping points), but it will end at some point. The fossil fuel stocks are not endless and the consumption rates now sky-high.
We will then settle down at a much lower energy usage per person than today. Solar+(inevitably) nuclear and back to 19th-century logic….but at much higher efficiencies.
But it’s people's far too predictable selfish reactions to these radical changes and massive loss of comfort (the psychological resistance to loss aversion) that I fear the most. Millions of relatively innocent people are going to pay a very heavy price.
In face of this hardship, (without a powerful collective point of hope of a fair and collective future on the horizon (stories unite) — called a vision:) I just don’t see even the young, still then voicing their solidarity and acting upon it. Lip service and Facebook likes — sure… … and back to a bitter fight of the strongest.