It's the hand of the magician you don't see is the one you should be worrying about... The US seems to be prepping Kazakhstan for conflict. The perfect encirclement aka "containment" of China and Russia. Hitting two birds with one stone.
25 May 2023
"It would be a mistake for the United States not to seize this moment"
If RAND writes about your country you had better start worrying big time >>
One of the authors, Robert Schlesiger is a US military attaché. First published it in
6 Jun 2023
The US is now actively priming Kazakhstan against China and Russia.
The author, the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs, is financed by the US government. They’re not even hiding it. >
10 July 2023
The provoking is working >>
So instead of reacting to US incentives, Russia, China, Turkey, Iran and others should act forwards. Take the initiative full throttle and turn the New Silk Road /Eurasian development into a once in a life time opportunity no one wants to miss out on. And all become invested in its succes. Especially for us in the Western provinces of Europe because, though many don't realize it yet*, our future prospects are very bleak with out this radical return to the East >
Succes of the Silk Road is the best way to rid the world of NATO without any bullets fired. The inevitable devaluation of the Dollar and UK/US led banking system will simply do the rest and lead to the implosion of those war inflicting societies. Let them fall on their own sword. Look forward, not back wards. Don't waste energy fighting a dying enemy. Moldova is not worth any engagement in any of the bigger pictures, succes of the Silk Road is.