It's more than obvious that Burry is on the Asperger Syndrome spectrum. He is a hyperrationalist thinker acting in a highly irrational, rigged, not to use the word corrupt, market.
I have little doubt he has done all the math he can, but as we saw in the film too, those who pull the Wall Street strings managed to keep the reality of the situation very much obscure to their advantage. Burry's big luck was that the problem (fear and greed card) was so huge they could no longer/or no longer wanted to hide it. (remember Goldman and some others made huge profits off it)
But that didn't prevent Obama from giving all the culprits their jobs back. That is the real takeaway that ought to be worrying you instead.
Burry's math is no doubt right, so the undercurrent you should be watching is how exactly is the shifting being done. Anyone who understands rational logic can see the game being played between the tangible hard variables, set in our physical reality and the imaginary. The cloud of all the manipulable non-tangibles - like money, all its derivatives and government rules and policies. In this ideal opaqueness, the House always wins until it doesn't. But for that to happen you need a perfect storm.
I'm not seeing that yet. Sure all the US pensioners, war veterans and poor are being systematically bled dry as well as all the other US bondholders (it's why China and Russia are wisely moving out) and high interest rates will bankrupt thousands of leveraged companies. But that's not enough. For betting with options, you need a dam to break suddenly, not a fall in slow-motion .