It would not be entirely illogical if most of these were by purposeful design.
The excess overreaction lockdown to Covid 19, as many reports coming out now, are reluctantly confirming. Pfizer's gain-of-function research has even been officially confirmed. So I'm looking forward to their real timeline. The more than provoked war in Ukraine*, its systematic and deliberate continuation. The illogical and ineffective sanctions on Russia, are logical only if you consider doing maximum harm to your own population as its initial goal (something any systems engineer can tell you),. And the certainly by-designed gas pipeline explosions.
So, as usual, for the truth, follow the money. Who has been earning big time in this period .... 100% confirmed: the US gas and the US-UK arms industry, Big Pharma, Big Oil, all have earned billions extra, BlackRock (as it jumps from a 2017-2019 14+bln plateau it was stuck on to 19+, a 35% increase)
Looking forward to seeing more and more data coming out soon. Yep, we certainly have been had.