
it also explains why democracy (Majority Rule) is such a bad idea:)

In The Secret Of Our Success* anthro-pologist, Joseph Henrich explains our deep-rooted conformism. Our social evolution was strongly biased against reason and did its utmost to eliminate those genes from humanity. Did a splendid job of it as is confirmed by Prof. T. W. Murphy ** (my words) that only 10% of humanity consists of logical abstract thinkers (NT profiles). The rest, the vast majority (the ST-SF gene pool) are primarily sentients (thus extremely short-term-narrow-minded-seeing & feeling-is-beliving) beings. The voting Majority:) And if we take the 20%/80% Tinder rule :) in part true internet dating amplifies this biases even more.


** pages 304-308 Figure 18.3




gerald lindner
gerald lindner

Written by gerald lindner

My 3 continents, 5 countries youth deconstructed most cultural lock-ins and social biases. It opened my mind to parallel views and fundamental innovations.

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