In the '90 we missed our second chance as Naomi Klein described in her book Shock Doctrine. We did the opposite and gave Russia our Chicago boys worse, sending millions of Russians straight into poverty. Putin rescued them. It's fair to say, like with Osama bin Laden, we the West had a hand in how events turned out. Also with what is coming next. The RAND corporation is quite open about the threat a united Europe poses to the US and why Germany must be kept down. All known facts.
Evil people I understand. But what I can't is why millions of decent people decide to look the other way instead of demanding common decency.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good (wo)men to do nothing.” John Stuart Mill.
So the real challenge is how to change that. On a systems level, one suggestion could be to put into place the rule: 3 strikes for lying and you're out of public office for life.