I'm not so sure there is in fact any dichotomy. Perhaps I'm a naturalist and agree with Ian McHarg that we all are just organisms, all aiming for what he calls "creative fitting" to acquire health.
It's on the "how" that the various factions differ and collide: believing in abundance, zero-sum or scarcity. Setting off all sorts of deeply programmed human and social reactions. People scare me. I guess I'm somewhere on the Asperger scale so all these neuro-typical non-rational reactions are exactly that... totally non-rational. Like fear leading to greed leading straight back to even more fear, etc. It's so frustrating to see this happing especially as it is totally unnecessary.
On the basic level (scarcity), there is enough for everyone. >
Zero-sum is no longer true as some models show a sharp decline in population starting after a 9 billion peak in 2050...and even could, in an extreme scenario, drop to half of what we have now. Doubling the available resources per capita.
This leaves us with the aspect of "abundance": how to share the spoils of our human creativity and ingenuity intelligently so as to not trigger typical human avers reactions like jealousy, etc. A nice little luxury problem to then deal with, just to keep us busy:).
So please, how can we get the neurotypicals to finally start behaving rationally....beacuase I don't want my kid to die in any senseless war or to lead her life in fear and danger. Love, caring, pleasure, creativity, and ingenuity it's all in us, so why not make our life here it's stage.