I'm a European who grew up under the Cold War and have witnessed both sides BS they feed us.
The only side I now care for is humanity period. Because it's always the victim. Decent people of both sides always up paying the unfair price. Never those who send other people's kids to die for their profit, eh "our" cause.
Just look at how both Russia and the US treat their Afghanistan veterans...Poor kids sent to die for no reason at all. Well, not quite...the CEO's of and Senators (like Lindsey Graham) with shares in Halliburton, Blackwater, Raytheon and the likes made huge profits... So when I see any politician calling for war I know that all they want to do is to fill their cash books and upgrade their careers (like our PM Mark Rutte is doing now) at our expense. Nothing else. Evil people.
It's why I support organizations like https://www.ecogood.org/ and have been using Sociocracy in my company for over 20 years. Now I have moved on to Systemic Consensus and have built my own zero-energy home.
I walk my talk. They don't, they never do. That ought to tell you the huge difference.