If you want to use history to legitimatise today's killing of innocent people, please realise that history goes way back.
"Before the Israelite conquest of Palestine, the Canaanites dominated the region, and the town of Hebron was an important centre. When the tribes of Israel invaded the country, the tribe of Judah claimed the entire area from just south of the site of Jerusalem into the Negev region (the area south of Beersheba)"
This ought to show you the inherent invalidity of using history as an argument. Nothing ever legitimatises the killing of innocent people today and for not instead trying to live in peace and harmony.
A more interesting today question is why may Israel take part in the UEFA and Eurovision Song Festival and not the other countries of the region? Doesn't that suggest the West considers it to be a form of Western colony and why they, US and EU, are sending arms to it?