If that is what you would like to think, that is fine. Cognitive dissonance is indeed a wonderful blessing.
The truth is I'm a West European citizen who has seen and lived through the Cold War. Witnessed the East's liberation from Poland to Techolowakia and saw up close the wretchedness communism had caused there. Watched the rise and eroding devastation neo-liberalism inflicted upon my society. On all societies in fact.
So I've long stopped swallowing all the political dogmas of the day.
When I see Baroness Ursula von der Leyen, our PM Mark Rutte and NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg filling their mouths full of war rhetoric, naming it "our war" well I'm very sorry to say, I've been there, seen that, and know what they are doing, why they are doing it and know by now one thing for sure: it will not improve the lives and loves of the common man on either side of the border.
Their self-serving agendas have zero to do with helping humanity, and all the more about damaging it for their private benefit or, seeing their intellectual incapacity (our PM Rutte is super proud to have no vision at all except wanting power), all the more chances they will lead us into the abyss. I'm not a lemming. So what are you?