If everybody would stop trying to continuously reinvent the wheel we just might get somewhere....
Economy for the Common Good (ECG) offers a good enough platform for communities to create shared value sets. It also updates the more and more dysfunctional majority rule to the quite brilliant model of systemic consensus (SK). SK's scaleable and well-suited for the digital era. (already available as an app).
So let's stop talking and rather start implementing the change.
ps I hold zero financial interest in SK, it's just hard common sense seen from my side (non-neurotypical) of the spectrum.
ECG > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UaHip9P1tQ&list=LLPkL-LnXBastRngFGorWQUw&index=12&t=9s
SK > https://www.sk-prinzip.eu/
SK in action 12:00> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsO-b0_r-5Y
SK as an app > https://www.sk-prinzip.eu/angebot/acceptify/