I wish history was so clear cut and b/w for us. But is not. I’m sure the majority of the Indonesians were very happy that the US helped them kick the Europeans out of their country and, in return, helped the US break Shell’s oil monopoly :).
From the abolishment of slavery to the gunpoint of democracy, the “humanitarian” angle (morals, religion,etc) is mostly just an excuse to achieve the underlying socio/economic advantage. (read: Yuval Noah Harari).
The art is understanding as many of layers in play as possibly you can. It’s actually quite fascinating. Insights like:
And then don’t wait for the masses to move, act. Climate change is but a nasty bump on the road. It will end because the fossil fuels causing it will end too — and that is really a BIG disruptive problem. (why — all our systems depend on cheap energy, even water in cities.) So something our kids will face (2075 Shell calls this scenario Scramble…). And why I am hedging their future just in case society f****-up, now it is still affordable: good, climate-change resilient, farmland.