I recently read that the US post-WWII count was now standing well over the symbolic figure of 6 mln. The only nation to have +800 military bases all over the globe for that purpose. Yes, Russia committed terrible atrocities during WWII in Poland, and later in Afghanistan, Syria, Georgia and Ukraine. All countries on her borders. As for the US's list, well just read investigative journalist John Pilger's quote:
"In my lifetime, the United States has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, mostly democracies. It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries. It has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries, most of them poor and defenceless. It has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries. It has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries."
"Tens of thousands" is what the US finish off before breakfast. I feel deeply sorry for the Ukrainians for trusting the American government. They should have taken Henry Kissinger's words seriously:
"To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal".
They are now finding out just how fatal. They will take China's hand, only the longer they wait the fewer fathers the Ukraine kids will be left over with. So why wait?