I have no knowledge about Vietnam and the Philippines. But if one understands the coming thermodynamic post-fossil fuel rationale it is more than clear that the South China Sea will be the economical epicentre of the New World.
Smaller parties like Vietnam and the Philippines are feeling the pressure of China and are seeking an alliance that will prevent them from losing their autonomy. It's a process that Glenn Diesen explains in his writings on the multi-polar world. https://medium.com/@felixabt/500-years-of-western-dominance-is-it-coming-to-an-end-and-what-comes-next-4486bd7b8289
The only question is whether their teaming up with the US is the wisest choice or will it only make their destiny far worse. To quote Henry Kissinger — 'It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal". Time will tell.
PS ECG is based upon pure rational logic, not ideological dogma so I see no reason for Eurasia not to apply its rationale.