I had a discussion on this topic on theconversation.com Someone referred me to >
A "conspiracy theory" tries to explain a significant social and political event by attributing them to secret plot-making by powerful actors.
Hence as you did, I too added that the disqualification of a theory can only happen by supplying the heavy burden of proof of its incorrectness. Which MSM never does of course:) Hence MSM use of labelling is pure rhetoric: power game politics, not scientific truth finding.
As for the debt, the total US debt* is now about 4,1% of US GNP. To be able to service this debt without loss of US living standards the US GNP would have to grow 4,1x real interest rate value.
The current real interest rate of 1,2% is still well below its historical average. Doesn't that mean that the Federal interest rate now of 4,9% is simply a conscious policy of intentional "depreciation" of this huge debt?
4,1x1,2%= 4,9%, now why does that number not surprise me....
Inflation rises all prices, rising the GNP value. Thus by default lowering the debt-to-GNP ratio and lowering the need for (unrealistic) higher economic growth numbers.
All holders of dollars and dollar-denominated bonds are the big losers: the US Social Security trusts ( $2.7 T), the Military Retirement Fund ($1.36T), foreign countries and investors $7,3T (main countries Japan, China and UK and many international pension funds). Real assets and stockholders are left unharmed so in short the rich. Now why doesn't that too not surprise me? Who were again the huge winners of the various round in QE's?
Conspiracy, yes I think it's fair to call it that. Theory, not quite any more, as I think the facts speak for themselves. Hence the clamour to drown it and quickly redirect the attention away. A nice fat unifying patriotic war would be very useful now.
* https://www.statista.com/statistics/1083150/total-us-debt-across-all-sectors/