I got clobbered on a Medium reply** for pointing to the 80/20% Tinder rule. Here is a repost of my "defence" :) because it bares relevance to your article: the destructive online erosion of many men's sense of self-worth.
"Let's look at the data. Agreed, the 2015 Tinder article should simply be discarded. But more stats are now available and some are put into context here > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XokiTk4JGVw and here *
These data show:
- men to women ratio on Apps like Tinder is 2:1 or higher. Women can be pickier.
- the winner takes all. The top 10% of both men and women take nearly all the swipes. But more is left over for the women's rest percentile and next to none is left over for the rest of the men.
- women judge 80% of men (on the App) as being below average. They are much harsher in their judgement than the men are of the women. Which is clearly reflected in the swipe stats.
So it's fair to say that 80% of men on Tinder (at least) have little to no chance. Roughtly equal to the chances the bottom 20% of the women have.
Perhaps this only shows that the use of these Apps should be more questioned. As every system always has its very own dynamics, internal logic and risks. That much is now quite clear. "
* Google:
https://www.personalitycafe.com/ + MEN'S SUPPORT:New Tinder User Swipe