I enjoyed reading.
Tom Murphy dismisses the "Energy Miracle" option :) https://dothemath.ucsd.edu/2011/07/galactic-scale-energy/
Derrick Jensen states that life in (large) cities requires the importation of resources and hence can never be ecologically sustainable. Its way of life is also fundamentally based on violence. So that rules that out too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkEmLRCP078&list=PL6LJQOAaGj2kl9jCJCsMif-FrB-Re9rF8&index=3
Leaving the only option: the "Neolithic age lifestyle". But hopefully, a 2.0 version if we use our time wisely In Debunking Degrowth https://gl-10190.medium.com/debunking-degrowth-part-ii-aded18d44652 I wrote:
“Human progress can be defined as our ability to create and maintain high levels of future uncertainty“
I believe that uncertainty (information uncertainty can also be measured in terms of entropy) is a useful principle to help guide society to make far wiser choices. It also prevents dogmatism as not all fossil fuel burning is a priori bad, some short term can perhaps even be good if far more intelligent metrics are used.