I disagree. We, the people, are far too complacent to get off our couches and put the effort to seriously organise ourselves. Organise under one banner, like https://www.ecogood.org/what-is-ecg/
In '58 in his book Brave New World revisited Aldous Huxley already warned us this would happen in the 21st century. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPkQ57cXrPA
And no, the collapse of capitalism will not necessarily happen. The opposite is far more likely. As Yuval Noah Harari already mentioned, soon most of us will be superfluous. It will be far more efficient to outsource brains and labour to tireless machines, that don't sleep and cannot revolt.
The logical solution for the elites therefore will be to rid themselves of most of humanity. Or rather, have us get rid of ourselves. If we don't organise and act collectively, we simply deserve to be eradicated (nicely).