I disagree. The climate storey is more complicated. Consensus doesn't automatically mean they are right. David Siegel also comes to the same 0,8 degrees of warming every 80-100 years but for different reasons which perhaps give us a different timeline. And then there is the usual el Nino/la Nina cycle on top of these rising temperatures. In short, it's a very complex system making it notoriously difficult, in fact, impossible to pinpoint cause and effect.
This doesn't mean doing nothing. On the contrary. But let's please try and do the smartest things first. Yes, prepare societies for the transitions after peak fossil fuel. But most important of all: reduce the number of people on the planet. It's the huge elephant in the room far too few are talking about. Post-fossil fuel carrying capacity (without some miracle happening) is estimated at somewhere between 1-4 billion people, not the 10 billion we are currently heading for.
Less pressure on resources automatically gives ecosystems more time to restore and rebuild resilience. Its as simple as that.